Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Detox: The First Step to Fighting Obesity

Among the major problems faced by today’s generation is obesity. As the fast food chain business grows, so is the number of obese people. The present times demand not only our time but also our health. Everyone gets so busy with work, one rarely have the time to cook a good and healthy meal at home. The immediate solution to a hard day’s work becomes fast food.
Pretty convenient, I must say. But, pretty dangerous to the health too.
To-go food offers convenience; the fast and easy way of feeding our tummy monsters after forgetting to take lunch due to numerous meetings. This has happened to us countless times and while we are grateful after we got full, little did we know that these kinds of food contribute to obesity we didn’t sign up for when we dialed the numbers of our favorite fast food chain.
Talk about long term side effects.
Majority, if not all, of fast foods are processed foods. Most likely, these foods are seasoned couple of times so that its texture won’t disintegrate. Another phase of seasoning happens when it’s served. Because it’s tasty, you crave for more, and more the next day, until you get hooked with the idea of convenience and tasty. Marketing people in fast food chains are quite geniuses—they make sure their food service sells.
You seemed happy for the time being. Until, obesity happens.
Various health departments and organizations worldwide has set up propagandas to promote health consciousness and awareness to fight obesity. To lose weight is the primary aim, and you won’t achieve this overnight. You need to learn how to start losing weight and the first step is:
Detoxification is one of the most effective method in losing weight. You can make your own detox formula of a concoction that will pass your taste buds. Perhaps you have heard about fruit detox, or the tea detox. This weight loss approach aims to flush out all toxins from the body. Definitely what any obese people needs.
Initially, detox diet requires a person to fast for at least two days. Instead of taking in the usual food to eat, one is only allowed to drink up and replenish on water. This is to purge the toxins in the body. Most people detox by drinking cranberry juice, or lemon juice. Proponents of the detox diet said that there are toxins in the body that can’t be easily washed away by water. You need the fibrous and detoxifying powers of certain fruits, such as the lemon and cranberry. After two days of fasting, start taking in food but choose a healthy selection. Start taking in fruits or vegetable salads. You can have mash potatoes as side dish only for your carb intake.
Simply put it, detox diet is an approach to rectify your body’s usual food intake which happens to cause obesity. It’s overhauling your “normal yet unhealthy” daily food intake. Depending on your current weight, body mass and index, detox may last longer than usual.
If you are suffering from illnesses caused by obesity, it would be best to consult your doctor first before attempting to undergo detox diet.


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