Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Top 5 Reasons to Try a Detox Diet

Most of us misconstrue detox diet and equate the same with hunger and food deprivation. When we hear such word, we immediately think about weird juices, weird food, and bland food plans. Yes, we know for a fact that we will feel good at the end of the detox plan but we think again, is it worth the deprivation that we will go through? Most of us answer in the negative and immediately brush the idea off.
Well, fret no more. When trying a detox diet, we really don’t have to suffer. With the right detox plan suitable to our needs, we can get through the whole process unscathed. We can start feeling fit and fab without going through the hunger motions. All we have to do to jumpstart is to supply the will and the motivation to finish the ten day process. Below are sure fire reasons why you have to decide to do it now.
1. You want to fit into your skimpy sized clothes.
Our minds are actually conditioned to think that in order to lose weight, all we have to do is to count and to cut calorie intake, and to eat less and exercise more. The problem with this kind of mentality is that it’s not really working for most of us. Then when all else fail, we blame our metabolic rate for being freaking slow to burn most calorie intake. Well, science dictates that what we have to do is to detox our body from sugar. Sugar actually triggers addiction, food addiction I may say, which will actually result to overeating. So if you want to lose weight, detox from sugar we say.
2. You constantly feel tired and lethargic (even if you slept the whole night).
Most of us fail to recognize that what we feel is actually a product of what we eat. So if we feel tired and seemingly sick most of the time, detox is the way to go to feel better quick. While we take out crap from our system and replace the same with healthy and nutritious alternatives, we improve our body functions abruptly.
3. You suffer from food addiction.
This reason is actually a spin off of the first reason. We have established the fact that too much sugar can make us feel tired. This, together with flour, is really addictive. The food industry is to be blamed for this and not the fact that a fat person is lazy and is a glutton. Most food manufacturer wanted to make their patronizers addicted to the food that they are selling by stacking enormous amounts of sugar and flour to spike “bliss point” while consuming junk food. Sugar is actually ten times more addictive than cocaine, which explains why even the strongest will power doesn’t stand a chance in the face of junk. Detox diet will actually give you the power to unhook yourself from this “addiction.”
4. You are yet to try a detox diet.
There is really nothing more convincing than to try it yourself. Since you haven’t tried it before, you can never be persuaded about its benefits better than experiencing it first hand.
5. You want to live longer and enjoy all that life has to power.
Well, you know for a fact what happens to people who abuse their bodies right? They die young of many incurable diseases. Most of these diseases are actually from the toxins that we take in our body. Because of too much junk put into our system, our organs refuse to function well. As a result, we become terribly ill. With detox diet, you can actually cleanse your system from all the toxins to pave way for better nutrient and vitamin consumption.


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