Friday, December 30, 2016

Low Calorie Recipes

Banana Peanut Butter

Try this delicious snack in between your meals or after a tough workout! The carbs will give you a quick mood and energy spike, while the protein will keep theenergy going for hours.

Preparation & Ingredients

Grab yourself a ripped banana and cut about 5 to 7 bit size pieces.
Next, spread a tablespoon of peanut butter onto the banana pieces.
1 Ripped Banana
1/2 cup

Honey Raspberry Yogurt

Sweet, creamy, and filling, this trio feels completely indulgent. The combination of fiber,healthy fats, and protein are sure to get yo over any 3pm slump. Plus, thevitamin C in raspberries increases your body’s fat burning ability.

Preparation & Ingredients

Take one single serving container of Greek yogurt and combine it with half a cup of raspberries and half a tablespoon of raw organic honey.
1 container
Greek Yourt
1/2 cup
1/2 Tablespoon


Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

Are your taste buds a victim of chocolate’s delicious but not so healthy sweet flavor. Fight this powerful foe by using it as a semi sweet jacket on superfoods like strawberries!

Preparation & Ingredients

Melt half a cup of the most natural chocolate you can find. Next, dip as many strawberries you desire and let them set in the refrigerator until the chocolate coating has hardened.
1 cup Strawberries
 1/2 cup Melted  Chocolate

Grapes & Walnuts

Get your hands on some sweet grapes and super filling walnuts. This high energy snack is filled with natural sugars, fiber,healthy fats, and protein. Its the perfect combo!

Preparation & Ingredients

Mix 1 cup of grapes with half a cup of walnuts in your favorite bowl.
1 cup Grapes
 1/2 cup Walnuts

Grapes & Walnuts

Don’t count out oatmeal! This breakfast food is a great choice any time you need a hearty treat. Full of fiber, oatmeal helps regulate blood sugar levels to keep you from crashing. No need for sugar! Blueberries add a kick of sweetness and healthy dose of vitamin C

Preparation & Ingredients

Prepare a packet of organic oatmeal and top it with a half cup of blueberries.
1 Packet Organic Oatmeal
 1/2 cup Blueberries

Zesty Black Bean Hummus

Need a workout recovery snack? Try this high protein hummus snack! Coming in at a whopping 16 grams protein per serving, this snack is sure to satisfy your protein needs. Add in some aromatic herbs and refreshing orange zest and you just might forget to dip with your celery sticks.

Preparation & Ingredients

Using a food processor, combine all the ingredients, except celery, and puree until smooth. Transfer hummus blend to a bowl, freshly ground black pepper to taste, and serve with celery.
2 cans black beans
 2 cups low fat cottage cheese
 3 tablespoons almond butter
 1 garlic clove, sliced
 2 tablespoons olive oil
 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
 3/4 teaspoon sea salt
 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
 1 teaspoon ground coriander
 1/4 cup fresh parsley
 2 tablespoons orange zest
 10-12 stalks celery, cut into thirds

Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar

Reward yourself after a challenging workout with a home made protein bar. With 6 grams of protein each, they will easily put storebought protein bars to shame. If you don’t own a food processor, you can purchase oat flour at most grocery stores. Oh and remember not to eat them all at once

Preparation & Ingredients

Line a 9×5” loaf pan with parchment paper or lightly grease with cooking spray. Place rolled oats in food processor and pulse until oats are a flour consistency. Mix the processed rolled oats with quick oats, protein powder, and cereal. Stir honey and peanut butter until melted and combined in a small pan over medium heat. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla extract. Pour peanut butter mixture over oats and stir well. Using hands, press the mixture into the prepared loaf pan. In microwave, melt chocolate chips for 1 minute, and then 30second intervals stirring in between, until fully melted. Use a fork to drizzle chocolate over bars. Cool bars in refrigerator for 30 minutes before slicing into 12 bars.
1 cup old fashioned rolled oats
1/2 cup quick oats
3 tablespoon chocolate whey protein powder
1/2 cup organic brown rice crisps cereal
1/4 cup honey
1/3 cup peanut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1-2 tablespoon non-dairy chocolate chips

Roasted Chickpea

Everybody should have on their list of protein packed snacks! They’re easy to make and can be seasoned to your liking. This recipe uses garlic, basil and red pepper flakes for some zing. Add these to your salad next time you get the chance! Did I mention this snack is 21 grams protein per 1/4 cup serving? Crazy…

Preparation & Ingredients

Drain and rinse the chickpeas, then pat them dry. Next, combine the chickpeas, oil, and seasonings in a small mixing bowl until evenly coated. Pour chickpeas on a baking pan covered in aluminum foil and shake gently until the chickpeas are spread evenly. Roast at 450 for 10-15 minutes, toss, and roast for another 10-15 minutes until golden. Let the chickpeas set and cool for another 20 minutes. Serve as a snack or toss into a salad.
1 can chickpeas
1 teaspoon olive oil
1/4 teaspoonsalt
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon Nutritional Yeast (orParmesan)
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes

Hand Made Protein Cookies

How would you like a cookie that curbs the sweet tooth craving without ruining your waistline! Use any of your favorite protein powders and any nuts and seeds. This formula uses peanuts, rolled oats, and is naturally sweetened using only four dates. The recipe makes roughly 15 cookies weighing at 9.5 grams proteins per cookie.

Preparation & Ingredients

Line large baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. Usea large bowl to mix together oats, protein powder and peanuts. Inafood processor, process the smooth peanut butter, coconut oil, dates and water. Pour into the bowl with dry ingredients and mix until combined. Scoop the dough with a spoon, roll into golf size balls, and flatten them with your hands. Place on a prepared baking sheet and repeat this step until you run out of dough. Refrigerate uncovered for 1 hour and enjoy cold.
1 cup rolled oats
2 cups plant based protein powder
1/3 cup peanuts, unsalted
1/4 cup organic peanut butter, unsalted
1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
4 Medjool dates, pitted

Red Quinoa Pancakes

These red quinoa pancakes gives an added chewy texture but still remains soft and fluffy like all great pancakes. Best of all… you get 9 grams of protein. They’re 90% dairy free (darn eggs…) and if you want to continue their no refined sugar streak, serve them with honey drizzled on top. Otherwise, try

Preparation & Ingredients

Place milk and lemon juice in a small bowl, stir once, and allow to sit for 5 minutes. Place flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a bowl and mix together. Beat the eggs with a wire whisk in a mixing bowl then mix the coconut oil, dry ingredients, and milk with eggs until combined. Add the quinoa and mix until combined. Heat a pan to medium and grease with coconut oil. Pour batter onto the hot pan (about ¼ C. per pancake) and allow to cook until the top of the pancake has bubbled and the sides are cooked. Flip the pancake over and finish cooking for another 30 seconds. Serve with your favorite syrup.
2 Eggs
2 cup Coconut or Almond Milk
1½ teaspoon Lemon Juice
4 tablespoonCoconut Oil
2½ cup Flour
1 tablespoon Coconut Palm Sugar
2 teaspoon Baking Powder
1 teaspoon Baking Soda
1 teaspoon Salt
2 cup Red Quinoa, cooked

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Detox: The First Step to Fighting Obesity

Among the major problems faced by today’s generation is obesity. As the fast food chain business grows, so is the number of obese people. The present times demand not only our time but also our health. Everyone gets so busy with work, one rarely have the time to cook a good and healthy meal at home. The immediate solution to a hard day’s work becomes fast food.
Pretty convenient, I must say. But, pretty dangerous to the health too.
To-go food offers convenience; the fast and easy way of feeding our tummy monsters after forgetting to take lunch due to numerous meetings. This has happened to us countless times and while we are grateful after we got full, little did we know that these kinds of food contribute to obesity we didn’t sign up for when we dialed the numbers of our favorite fast food chain.
Talk about long term side effects.
Majority, if not all, of fast foods are processed foods. Most likely, these foods are seasoned couple of times so that its texture won’t disintegrate. Another phase of seasoning happens when it’s served. Because it’s tasty, you crave for more, and more the next day, until you get hooked with the idea of convenience and tasty. Marketing people in fast food chains are quite geniuses—they make sure their food service sells.
You seemed happy for the time being. Until, obesity happens.
Various health departments and organizations worldwide has set up propagandas to promote health consciousness and awareness to fight obesity. To lose weight is the primary aim, and you won’t achieve this overnight. You need to learn how to start losing weight and the first step is:
Detoxification is one of the most effective method in losing weight. You can make your own detox formula of a concoction that will pass your taste buds. Perhaps you have heard about fruit detox, or the tea detox. This weight loss approach aims to flush out all toxins from the body. Definitely what any obese people needs.
Initially, detox diet requires a person to fast for at least two days. Instead of taking in the usual food to eat, one is only allowed to drink up and replenish on water. This is to purge the toxins in the body. Most people detox by drinking cranberry juice, or lemon juice. Proponents of the detox diet said that there are toxins in the body that can’t be easily washed away by water. You need the fibrous and detoxifying powers of certain fruits, such as the lemon and cranberry. After two days of fasting, start taking in food but choose a healthy selection. Start taking in fruits or vegetable salads. You can have mash potatoes as side dish only for your carb intake.
Simply put it, detox diet is an approach to rectify your body’s usual food intake which happens to cause obesity. It’s overhauling your “normal yet unhealthy” daily food intake. Depending on your current weight, body mass and index, detox may last longer than usual.
If you are suffering from illnesses caused by obesity, it would be best to consult your doctor first before attempting to undergo detox diet.

Top 5 Benefits You Derive from Drinking Lemon Juice

Lemon offers a great deal of service to both home and business. It’s not only widely known to be a great source of vitamin C. For instance, in most Asian countries, it is used as a combination to soy sauce and is served in restaurants. It is also used to treat sore throat and cough. To some, it has been a good thirst-quenching juice drink when squeezed in a pitcher of water with ice.
Many also claim that lemon has the effective properties to help a person lose weight. This was given attention by nutritionists worldwide to integrate the use of lemon into people’s diet plans. Here are ten of the most outstanding benefits you can enjoy when choosing a lemon detox diet.
1. Avoids you from gingivitis
Drinking lemon juice in the morning instead of coffee avoids you from having a foul breath. Lemon is considered as a natural disinfectant. This has been affirmed by Nutritionist Chevally when she stated that it is best to drink lemon juice at room temperature. There is also nothing to worry about the acid effects of lemon acid on the enamel because it takes one to drink more than a liter of concentrated lemon juice to suffer from such. Besides, right after you drink lemon juice, you can always rinse your mouth with water.
2. Helps balance pH levels
Sounds unbelievable? You might just get the wrong impression about lemons. While contains acid, it also contains incredible alkalizing properties that helps the body achieve a well-balanced pH levels. In fact, it is highly encouraged to drink a glass of fresh lemon juice daily.
3. Promotes good digestion
Studies show that lemon acid is very similar to the natural acids produced and found in our stomach which are responsible for a good digestion. For people who constantly suffer from bloating, indigestion, and even heartburn, pairing your meal with a glass of lemon juice might just solve it. To most people, this has been why lemon is considered a good detox element. It promotes healthy metabolism and flush out toxins from the body. Some drinks lemon juice 3 times daily or every meal time.
It is also a good detoxifier of liver and a good cleanser of the urinary tract.
4. Immune system booster
Lemon is rich with vitamin C. This vitamin is very essential to the body as it helps us fight any illnesses. With vitamin C, our immune system is boosted and strengthened. People who take vitamin C daily cannot easily catch colds or flu. Apart from being an immune booster, vitamin C has been very effective in initiating fast absorption of nutrients in the body.
5. Curbs appetite
Drinking lemon juice has been found to be an effective method of losing weight as it effective curbs appetite. Among the major challenges faced by anyone who is trying to lose weight is the nagging food cravings from time to time. By drinking lemon juice, you will feel full and satisfied for longer periods than when not drinking one. As a result, you are effectively avoiding the snack-in-between meals all the time which ruins your diet time.
Lemons don’t cost much. If you can lose weight the natural way, lemons can help you with that.

How to Make Your Own Lemon Detox Drink at Home

The lemon detox diet program primarily involves drinking lemon juice. When aiming for weight loss, you may need to come up with the ideal lemon detox concoction for effective results. While the ordinary squeeze-that-lemon-in-water kind of juice helps, somehow, it might not be as fast to deliver effective weight loss results to you as when you mix it up with the right elements.
What you will need
The following ingredients are what you need to start making your lemon detox drink:
– Madal Bal natural tree syrup
– Fresh lemon juice
– Cayenne pepper
– Pure water
Among these four basic ingredients, Madal Bal natural tree syrup is the most important. It is a syrup which is the result of the combination of only the purest South East Asian palm syrups and Canadian grade C maple syrup. Its greatest attribute is that it provides a person who is into the detox diet the necessary energy he or she needs. This energy is in the form of a digestible carbohydrate and high level potassium.
The fresh lemon juice on the other hand has made its name to many people as one of the greatest source of vitamin C and a good cleanser of internal tracks such as the stomach, urinary tracks, and even the liver, while cayenne pepper is not only known for its great metabolizing property, it also provides a good aftertaste after drinking the juice.
Mixing instructions
It is highly encouraged that you make your lemon detox drink at a 2 –liter batch. This will give you the reserves you need should you want to drink more every after meal.
When doing a 2-liter batch
On a 1700ml pitcher of pure water, pour and mix the following:
Around 140ml of Madal Bal natural tree syrup
3 ½ freshly squeezed lemons
2-3 pinches of cayenne pepper
When doing per glass
Pour and mix on 250ml pure glass of water the following:
1 tbsp. of Madal Bal natural tree syrup
1 tbsp. of freshly squeezed lemon juice
½ pinch of cayenne pepper
When aiming to achieve faster weight loss results, it is advised to drink as much as you like; ideally about 6-9 glasses a day. This lemon detox drink may be served cold, at room temperature, or warm. It is best to take warm lemon detox drink during mornings.
Do not make the lemon detox drink an alternative to water. Especially for people who are doing workouts, it is always best to drink on water as much as you drink lemon detox juice. This is to ensure that your body is well hydrated.
You may also add other ingredients to your lemon detox drink. Some people would even add laxatives to it, like the senna tea, and drink it at night time, while others add sea salt in the drink. These ingredients altogether help promote a good bowel movement in the morning.

Top 5 Reasons to Try a Detox Diet

Most of us misconstrue detox diet and equate the same with hunger and food deprivation. When we hear such word, we immediately think about weird juices, weird food, and bland food plans. Yes, we know for a fact that we will feel good at the end of the detox plan but we think again, is it worth the deprivation that we will go through? Most of us answer in the negative and immediately brush the idea off.
Well, fret no more. When trying a detox diet, we really don’t have to suffer. With the right detox plan suitable to our needs, we can get through the whole process unscathed. We can start feeling fit and fab without going through the hunger motions. All we have to do to jumpstart is to supply the will and the motivation to finish the ten day process. Below are sure fire reasons why you have to decide to do it now.
1. You want to fit into your skimpy sized clothes.
Our minds are actually conditioned to think that in order to lose weight, all we have to do is to count and to cut calorie intake, and to eat less and exercise more. The problem with this kind of mentality is that it’s not really working for most of us. Then when all else fail, we blame our metabolic rate for being freaking slow to burn most calorie intake. Well, science dictates that what we have to do is to detox our body from sugar. Sugar actually triggers addiction, food addiction I may say, which will actually result to overeating. So if you want to lose weight, detox from sugar we say.
2. You constantly feel tired and lethargic (even if you slept the whole night).
Most of us fail to recognize that what we feel is actually a product of what we eat. So if we feel tired and seemingly sick most of the time, detox is the way to go to feel better quick. While we take out crap from our system and replace the same with healthy and nutritious alternatives, we improve our body functions abruptly.
3. You suffer from food addiction.
This reason is actually a spin off of the first reason. We have established the fact that too much sugar can make us feel tired. This, together with flour, is really addictive. The food industry is to be blamed for this and not the fact that a fat person is lazy and is a glutton. Most food manufacturer wanted to make their patronizers addicted to the food that they are selling by stacking enormous amounts of sugar and flour to spike “bliss point” while consuming junk food. Sugar is actually ten times more addictive than cocaine, which explains why even the strongest will power doesn’t stand a chance in the face of junk. Detox diet will actually give you the power to unhook yourself from this “addiction.”
4. You are yet to try a detox diet.
There is really nothing more convincing than to try it yourself. Since you haven’t tried it before, you can never be persuaded about its benefits better than experiencing it first hand.
5. You want to live longer and enjoy all that life has to power.
Well, you know for a fact what happens to people who abuse their bodies right? They die young of many incurable diseases. Most of these diseases are actually from the toxins that we take in our body. Because of too much junk put into our system, our organs refuse to function well. As a result, we become terribly ill. With detox diet, you can actually cleanse your system from all the toxins to pave way for better nutrient and vitamin consumption.

The Wonders of Detox: Benefits of Detox

With all the weight that we put in during the very long holiday season, going on a detox diet is very beneficial. There are a lot of diet fads made popular these days but most of these are just fads. Their spark and wonder die down as fast as they became popular. No wonder most health enthusiasts still prefer going back to basics, to do things the natural way. And what’s more natural that a detox diet. Read below to learn more about the benefits of a detox diet.
You can make your vital organs rest and recuperate.
Our vital organs like our kidneys and livers work the hardest when we take in a lot of toxins into our body. They screen and filter these out in lame attempt for our body to absorb nutrients. So technically, when we put in more and more toxins into our bodies, we make these organs work harder than before. Inversely, when we go on a detox diet, we give these vital organs a pass to enjoy a very long and relaxing holiday to unwind and to recuperate. Rest and recreation for these organs, as with human beings, will generally improve your organs’ overall condition, paving the way for better nutrient absorption.
Improved Skin
One of the major benefits of detox diet is that it makes your skin clearer as your body pushes out the unnecessary toxins. As a result of elimination of these toxins, your skin radiates and becomes clearer, making you glow.
Improved Cells which leads to Overall Being

According to most health enthusiasts, one benefit of detox diet is that it targets the well-being of every individual cell. Since the said diet cleanses your body from deadly toxins, it improves the way our body responds to stress and pressure. Also, happy and healthy body cells boost our immune system and make us healthier. Cell improvement also improves blood circulation and mental health.
Detox actually refuels our bodies and makes it less prone to sluggishness, irritation, and other sickness which are attributed to presence of high level of toxins in our bodies.
So how do we start to detox? Well, the first thing that should be done is to decrease the levels of sugar, caffeine, salt, and saturated fat intake. As for the appropriate detox program for you, you can consult a health professional to assess your needs and also to make sure that your detox diet is the one which is apt for your body type and calorific needs. Many diets fail just because the diet adapted is not one that is at par with the person’s needs. Given that, it can also be gainfully said that the benefits of detox diet will likewise vary depending on the aptness and rightness of the same to the dieter’s needs.
Losing weight is not easy. Keeping the lost weight from keeping back is harder. But with detox, you can keep your weight at a manageable level while doing your body a favor. At the end of the day, you get your ideal weight and you restore your body’s well-being.

Top 3 Easy Detox Drinks That You Can Make At Home

Detoxing is easy when your detoxing regimen is fun and easy. There is a common misconception that associates detoxing with bland juices and bitter tasting liquids, all points to distaste and general loathing towards the whole detox process. But hey, detox can be fun, easy, and breezy! Below are top 3 easy detox drinks that you can make at home. Try these and have a fun and light detox experience!
The Mighty Green Collard Smoothie
One fun detox regimen that works well is to try to replace one meal with a green collard smoothie. When making this, you need 1 ½ cup collard greens, 1 apple, 1 ripe banana, and ½ cup parsley.
First, remove the stems of collard and chop them. Chop also the apples. Mix all of these ingredients with ½ cup of water in a blender and wait until the mixture is smooth. You can add more water if you want to lessen the thickness of the mixture. Once done, you can enjoy your mighty green smoothie all the way to the bottom of your shake glass.
The next easy detox drink that you can try at home is the MATCHA MANGO PINEAPPLE SMOOTHIE. Here’s how it’s done. All you need are 3 cups of frozen pineapple (chunks or tidbits, whichever you prefer), vanilla for flavoring, 1 ½ tbsp. matcha tea powder, 1 ½ cups of unsweetened soymilk, ½ tsp. of honey for sweetening, and 1 piece banana. Well, once you have all ingredients on the table, all you have to do is mix them all in a blender and wait until the mixture is smooth and thick. After that, you can pour the delicious mixture on your smoothie glass and enjoy your smoothie up to the last drop.
What’s good with matcha mango pineapple is that all the ingredients are delicious in itself. When you put them together, ah!, perfection! I hope you get to try this easy detox drink that you can make at home. Move forward to a healthier and fitter you with this delicious drink.
The last detox drink that you can try at home is HONEY WITH GINGER AND LEMON JUICE. Same with its two predecessors, making this juice is as easy as one-two-three. This recipe is known for curing common colds, but it also works best for detoxing body toxins.
So, here’s what you need to get this juice done. Get 2 lemons, 2 piece ginger (size is similar to your thumb), 2 tbsp. raw honey, and a container. Mix all these ingredients together and viola! You have for yourself a healthy honey with ginger and lemon juice!
You can actually mix and match fruits and vegetables with honey to come up with amazing easy detox drinks you can try at home. The key there is to look for the vitamins and minerals that you want to get more from and choose the respective fruit and vegetable you can source it from. You can even search the net for very good combinations to suit your taste. So, that’s it for now and we hope you enjoy your drink! Bottoms up to a healthier you!